Robotic Process Automation Use Cases For All Industries


RPA, or Robotic process automation, is a tool that allows industries to automate repeatable tasks and processes using computer software, which employees generally perform. Enterprises can do an RPA assessment to evaluate the appropriate activities for automation.

We have compiled a list of Robotic process automation (RPA) use cases for all industries.

Let's get started:

1. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Healthcare

Scheduling appointments, handling reports of customers, and managing the claims are among some of the complex but repetitive tasks that healthcare employees deal with.

There are several ways to incorporate RPA in healthcare that will improve the system's overall efficiency.

  • RPA bots can collect and process patient data and schedule patient appointments based on their location, diagnosis, doctors' availability, and several other criteria.

  • Healthcare organizations can also make use of RPA bots combining the sub-processes of medical billing into a centralized process. For example, an automated billing process can be made convenient through the use of RPA bots.

  • Also, these bots can be used by healthcare firms for automating tasks such as processing the data and documents needed for insurance claims.

  • They can handle the data entry of patient information and manage the data migration process when the patient's data is required for some medical research.

  • Also, these bots can analyze the patient's data to accurately diagnose their condition and create a customized treatment plan based on their diagnosis.

2. RPA Use Cases In Pharmaceuticals

Meeting all the regulatory compliance standards in the pharmaceutical industry is a nightmare for all pharma companies. One little mistake can result in a disaster. Using RPA reduces the risk of human errors and aids in increasing their efficiency.

  • RPA bots can analyze patients' medical records to check their compatibility with the trials and help speed up the process of initial patient match.

  • They can assist the Pharma company in meeting all regulatory compliance by checking all the documents. If there is a need to compile a report, the data collected by RPA bots are easily accessible.

3. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry involves a lot of repetitive processes like ordering raw materials, keeping track of inventory, and customer support. Let us see some ways in which RPA can help automate processes and help improve the productivity of employees.

  • RPA bots can perform administrative tasks in manufacturing industries. They can record attendance, schedule meetings, respond to emails, record data for meetings.

  • For the manufacturing units, these bots can help with invoice processing. They can receive the invoice, send it to the appropriate department for approval, and record the data when processing the payment.

  • Users can order supplies needed for manufacturing and help manage the inventory. They can handle the emails and log all the paperwork related to inventory for real-time data to monitor the inventory levels.

  • Also, these bots can manage customer support and offer better risk management by auditing the business processes.

4. RPA Use Cases In FMCG

Logistics, inventory, and order management in FMCG need accuracy and time. Using RPA in the FMCG industry can keep track of all these without requiring intervention from an employee.

  • These bots can help with inbound and outbound inventory management by managing the orders and keeping the inventory reports to maintain the required inventory levels.

  • Also, these can help reduce the settlement of refunds and claims by verifying the claims and minimizing fraud.

5. RPA Use Cases In Food Industry

The food manufacturing industry is a multi-stage process that grows raw materials, processes them, and retail. All these processes involve a lot of documents processing and safety audits which can be done using RPA without any human intervention.

  • Food firms can manage the records of food safety audits documents related to health and safety through these bots. They can also help with the administration process.

  • RPA bots can manage the inventory and the supply chain. They can also provide alerts for several issues.

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6. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Telecom

With the competition in the telecom industry, it is essential to provide customers satisfaction. Many processes like onboarding or offboarding a customer, handling queries, generating reports, and others are pretty time-consuming and take up a lot of time for employees. Using RPA bots increases employees' productivity by taking off workload from them.

  • These bots can analyze data and generate periodic reports. Depending upon the content of the report and its relevance, they can mail the report to a specific set of people.

  • Also, the bots can interpret and segregate emails based on their nature. They can then respond to simple and most common queries and send complicated emails to employees to handle.

  • The telecom industry is highly competitive. An RPA bot can keep track of a competitor's prices and make suggestions based on that.

  • Customer satisfaction is an essential part of the telecom industry. RPA bots can mimic human employees, listen to customers' problems, and offer solutions. Other than that, they can also help a customer service representative to access the customer plan details, any current deductions, previous complaints, and additional information to help solve their problem efficiently.

  • RPA bots can manage the process of onboarding and outboarding. They can automatically add a new customer by storing their information in a database and removing one when they leave.

7. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Banking

The banking sector deals with handling the money and involves a lot of tasks that are easily replaceable with automation. Using RPA in banking takes the workload off employees and minimizes the risk of human error that can lead to loss. Let us take a look at how RPA helps in the banking industry.

  • RPA bots can help with task management and handle customer service to take off the load from contact centers for general queries like checking account balance or account statements.
  • They can handle the process of customer onboarding by verifying the identification documentation for the KYC process.
  • The bots can also help with the verification process of money laundering. They can perform rule-based, repetitive tasks and help save the time spent on the investigation process.
  • The banking sector can also automate loan processing through these bots. RPA bots can separate the loan application emails from the rest. They can extract data from the documents submitted for loan and verify them, lowering the risk of human error.
  • They can also perform the steps in account closure by checking the documents in bank records. They can update the process to the client and bank manager via email and update the data once the process is complete.
  • RPA bots can also handle the processing of credit card applications. They can run checks on the customer's account, verify data, and, depending on the results, either approve or reject the application.

8. RPA Use Cases In Insurance

The insurance industry deals with many repetitive, time-consuming processes like claims processing, verification, etc.

  • RPA bots can take over tasks that require no decision-making and are highly repetitive to unload the burden from employees and free up their time for improved industry productivity.
  • RPA bots can help with the processing of claims. They can help verify the claims, process the funds after verification, and help with documentation.
  • These bots can also make sure that all the processes are meeting regulatory compliance.
  • In the insurance industry, record maintenance can be tricky. RPA bots can help with generating and maintaining records.

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9. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In CRM

Customer relationship management or CRM system is a way to administer the company's interaction with existing or potential customers.

It involves a lot of repetitive tasks and processes to manage the CRM software. Using RPA improves the effectiveness of CRM, which enhances the overall productivity of a company.

  • RPA bots can handle the data entry in the CRM software. They can also help find any information stored in the CRM much faster, which improves the productivity and efficiency of a company.
  • RPA bots can help create new accounts and customers, add information about any new leads, and synchronize the data with other systems and applications. By automating all these tests, RPA can aid in cost reduction.
  • RPA bots can help with customer support. They can collect data about a customer like their name, preferences, previous history, and other details from the CRM to offer better customer service.
  • RPA bots can also help with case management in CRM. Based on customer requests, they can create new cases and provide better documentation of order history e payment history, customer quotes, and shipment tracking related to the case.
  • One of the critical parts of any CRM system is managing the contract between vendors and customers. RPA boards can keep track of the contract documents and their expiration to notify the customer and the vendor whose contract is nearing the expiration date.

10. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Customer Service

  • RPA bots can take off a vast amount of workload from the customer service employees by replicating repetitive tasks that are rule-based. Let us look at some of the RPA examples in customer service.

  • RPA bots can collect customers' data like their demographic purchases if they have made any previous complaints and make it available to the customer service representative to help them with the customer's inquiry and solve the issue quickly.

  • RPA bots can create a new account for a customer by extracting their ID, purchase history, and contact information from their conversation and creating an account for the customer.

  • RPA bots can retrieve and update customers' data in CRM. They can also manage the refund process and notify the customer via text or email without human intervention.

  • RPA bots can handle the most common queries from customers without human intervention and provide the required information to the customer.

  • RPA bots can understand and segregate emails or texts containing customer complaints. They can separate the data relevant to the complaint like delay in package service downtime on wrong delivery and log the data in a spreadsheet or document and create a customer complaint report. Other RPA bots can send the report to separate customer support based on its relevance.

11. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Retail

Retail industry deals with selling goods to consumers directly. There are RPA opportunities in the retail industry that improve the profit margin for retailers and ensure customer satisfaction.

  • RPA bots can help with processing the invoice. They can start collecting and segregating the invoices into different categories and processing bills.
  • RPA bots can manage the returns. They can collect information about all the returns and manage the refund or replacement process. They can also notify the customer about their return process and its completion.
  • RPA bots can help update inventory as new products are launched or if there is an update on the older products. They can also monitor the sales to change the product rates, manage the inventory and update the stock.
  • RPA bots can analyze the sales and create real-time reports to manage the inventory to control the optimum inventory level.
  • RPA bots can aid with Enterprise Resource Planning in retail. They can keep track of billing, price changes, vacancies, and generate reports.
  • RPA bots can help store planning by evaluating customers' preferences and managing demand and supply ratios. They can analyze the user's demand for any particular product and make a supply plan.

12. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Logistics

RPA can help improve one of the most critical parts of any industry: logistics or supply chain management.

It refers to sourcing raw materials for a product, its production, and the delivery of the product to the final customer. Some RPA applications in logistics are:

  • RPA bots can automate the data entry process from sourcing raw materials to the shipment of the final product. They can help keep track of a product and retrieve data to help resolve any issue quickly.

  • RPA bots can monitor the orders placed and update once the order has been delivered. In case of a delay in the delivery, they can notify the customer about it by offering real-time updates. They can also assign the order to a delivery partner depending upon the location of the order. They can also coordinate multiple inspections and customs checks for shipments to another country.

  • RPA bots can help with the after-sales service. If a customer wants to return the product, RPA bots can process the request. They can do real-time tracking for orders and process the returns and refunds and notify the customer about the process automatically.

13. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Cyber Security

RPA in cyber security helps protect businesses from cyber attacks by improving their overall cyber security. Some intelligent automation examples in cybersecurity are.

  • They help limit the errors in cyber security by minimizing human intervention. They also reduce the exposure of sensitive data and thus reduce the risk of a data breach.

  • RPA bots can manage confidential data from falling into the wrong hands. They can handle the data entry, any new updates, and data transfer via email or chats.

  • RPA bots can prevent unauthorized access to private or sensitive data by running checks. They can also keep track of individuals who accessed or modified any sensitive data.

  • RPA bots can run periodic checks on the network to detect and isolate any threat in advance. They can check for activities like changes in system files, unusual traffic on the network, unusual activity on a user account, or other suspicious activities and isolate them for a cyber security expert to check.

  • RPA bots can manage the penetration checks. It simulates attacks on the system to evaluate its cyber security. RPA bots can run penetration tests periodically, assess the test report by considering the data, and trigger responses.

14. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Human Resources

The Human Resources department of the industry deals with hiring employees and managing them. This process involves a lot of repetitive tasks, like shortlisting resumes and scheduling interviews, which takes up a lot of time for employees in HR. RPA bots can help take over these tasks.

  • RPA bots can filter resumes based on the job description. They can compare the information for the vacancy and the application submitted by candidates, shortlist the best-qualified resumes, and notify the candidates about the interview schedule or rejection.
  • RPA bots can handle Employee onboarding from the interviews, generating call letters after selection to verifying the documents, and handling the joining process.
  • RPA bots can create a customized offer letter according to the candidate, send it and also check the documents related to the joining process.
  • RPA bots can manage the data of employees. They can segregate the data of former and current employees, vendors, applicants, and any new hiring. They can also manage an employee's exit by clearing any unpaid due, revoking access, collecting company assets, and producing exit documents.
  • RPA bots can track employees' attendance records and process their salaries accordingly.

15. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Education

The education industry deals with many time-consuming tasks like scheduling meetings, examinations, and classes. On top of it, maintaining paperwork for all the tasks can be even more of a nightmare. RPA can help automate repetitive tasks and free up employees' time for focusing more on the betterment of students.

  • RPA bots can manage the attendance of students, teachers as well as other staff with biometric information. They record the time someone clock in and clock out and maintain the record.
  • This will help you keep track the timing of classes, subjects, sessions, and the allocation of teachers for each class. If someone is absent, then RPA bots can allocate a substitute faculty to the class.
  • RPA bots can oversee the enrollment process of a new student by verifying the form and required documents and checking their enrollment eligibility.
  • RPA bots can schedule any meetings and notify the attendee in case of rescheduling or cancellation of the meeting.
  • Creating a fee structure for students based on the subjects they choose and their class is a time-consuming process. RPA bots can create fee structures, answer the queries of students and parents and keep records of students and staff.

16. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Travel Industry

The travel industry can see a lot of ups and downs depending upon the economy. To match up with the fluctuating demand, there is a need for a scalable system. Using RPA offers that scalability as businesses can add or remove RPA bots to handle the workload efficiently.

  • RPA bots can analyze a customer's previous travel history to suggest new places and offers on tickets and hotel bookings. They can handle booking hotels and tickets by comparing prices and availability.
  • RPA bots can manage the refunds and update the database for further bookings. They can also handle the rebooking or refund process if the flight is canceled or rescheduled.

17. Robotic Process Automation Use Cases In Sales And Marketing

Sales and marketing involve a lot of repetitive tasks like adding and managing customers, storing and analyzing reports which can take up a lot of time for employees. RPA can automate the most mundane and repetitive tasks to free up a worker's time in more creative tasks.

  • RPA bots can create reports of the sales and payments daily and monthly. They can also set up a new customer by validating their details and updating the verification database.
  • RPA bots help a customer service representative access all the customer files to assist them better.
  • RPA bots help with better database management. They can collect, update and retrieve data from the database to create a report when needed. They can also help automate a sales order and manage the contract by running background checks and validating the documents required for the contract.
  • RPA bots can browse through competitors' websites to check their pricing daily and notify in case of a significant change in pricing.

Final Words

Robotic process automation projects help enhance the productivity and efficiency of businesses and different industries. RPA implementation takes over the repetitive and time-consuming tasks and frees up employees' time to offer better efficiency.

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Know about 71 important RPA use cases by industries that will help you automate repetitive tasks for maximum efficiency and productivity.

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