Exploring the Future of Personalized Care: Embracing Technology-Driven Communication, Data Sharing, and Automation

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A vast amount of untapped data could have a great impact on our health—yet it exists outside medical systems. Our individual health is heavily influenced by our lifestyle, nutrition, our environment, and access to care. These behavioral and social determinants and other exogenous factors can now be recorded, tracked and measured by a range of medical software and devices. These factors account for about 60% of our determinants of health (behavioral, socio‐economical, physiological, and psychological data), our genes account for about 30%, and last our actual medical history accounts for a mere 10%.Throughout our lifetimes, we will each generate the equivalent of over 300 million books of personal and health‐related data that could unlock insights to a longer and healthier life With that amount of data, how are we going to capture and utilize it is a challenge. With the advancement of technology, it seems possible to improve personalized care. The three key areas where hospital care providers need to focus are:

Telehealth and Telemedicine


Telehealth has dramatically reshaped our ability to care for patients, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Usage has surged, with McKinsey reporting a 38-fold increase from pre-pandemic levels. Telehealth allows us to provide remote consultations and follow-ups, making healthcare more accessible and convenient for patients.

Patient Convenience: Patients no longer need to travel for consultations, which is especially beneficial for those with mobility issues or living in remote areas.

Access to Specialists: Telehealth breaks down geographical barriers, allowing patients to consult with specialists who may not be available locally.

Chronic Disease Management: Continuous remote monitoring helps us manage chronic conditions more effectively, allowing for timely interventions.

Mobile Health Apps

Mobile health apps have become invaluable in engaging patients in their own care. According to a survey by Accenture, 48% of healthcare consumers now use mobile apps to manage their health conditions.

Health Tracking: Patients can monitor their vital signs, medication adherence, and physical activity, providing us with valuable data to tailor their care.

Appointment Scheduling: Apps streamline the scheduling process, reducing administrative burdens and improving patient satisfaction.

Direct Communication: Secure messaging through apps allows for timely communication, ensuring that patients’ concerns are addressed promptly.

Data Sharing and Interoperability


Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have revolutionized how we access and utilize patient information. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) reports that nearly 96% of U.S. hospitals have adopted EHR systems.

Improved Decision-Making: Real-time access to comprehensive patient data aids in making accurate and timely clinical decisions.

Reduced Redundancy: Consolidated patient information minimizes unnecessary tests and procedures, saving costs and reducing patient burden.

Enhanced Coordination: EHRs facilitate better coordination among healthcare providers, ensuring seamless and continuous care.

Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) are essential for securely sharing health information across different healthcare organizations. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) indicates that 92% of healthcare organizations participate in some form of HIE.

Continuity of Care: HIEs ensure that patient information is available across different care settings, improving the quality of care we can provide.

Emergency Care: In emergencies, having immediate access to a patient’s medical history can be crucial for making informed treatment decisions.

Cost Savings: HIEs help reduce duplicative testing and streamline administrative processes, leading to significant cost savings.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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AI and machine learning are becoming integral to personalized care, providing predictive analytics, automating administrative tasks, and supporting clinical decision-making. Gartner predicts that AI augmentation will create $3.3 trillion in business value by 2026.

Predictive Analytics: AI algorithms analyze vast datasets to predict disease outbreaks, patient deterioration, and treatment responses, enabling proactive care.

Decision Support: AI tools offer data-driven recommendations, helping us select the most effective treatments for our patients. With Clinical decision support system (CDSS) systems in place physicians are already saving 70% time writing prescriptions with help of CDSS

Virtual Assistants: AI chatbots and virtual assistants enhance patient engagement by handling inquiries, scheduling appointments, and sending medication reminders.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA is transforming the administrative side of healthcare, allowing us to focus more on patient care. Deloitte reports that RPA can save up to 40% of the time spent on administrative tasks.

Appointment Management: RPA systems handle scheduling and rescheduling, reducing no-show rates and administrative workload.

Claims Processing: Automation streamlines insurance claims processing, reducing errors and speeding up reimbursements.

Data Entry: RPA minimizes the time and effort required for data entry, ensuring accuracy and freeing up staff to concentrate on higher-value tasks.

Why It Matters

For healthcare providers, embracing these technologies means overcoming the daily hurdles that impede our efficiency and effectiveness. By integrating advanced communication, data sharing, and automation solutions, we can focus on what we do best – providing exceptional care and improving patient outcomes. Sofyrus stands out in healthcare technology, offering expertise in assisting healthcare providers. With its extensive experience and comprehensive solutions including EHR, telemedicine, and CDS, coupled with consultancy in FHIR and HL7, Sofyrus is poised to address the challenges faced by healthcare providers. By integrating advanced communication, data sharing, and automation solutions, Sofyrus enables providers to focus on delivering exceptional care and enhancing patient outcomes. Connect with Us

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Aslam Hasan khan

Entrepreneur & CEO | Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub | Driving Digital Transformation for Growth with Product Leadership | Talks about PatientCare, EHR & Compliances

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